posted by 네코냥이 2013. 6. 9. 17:45

Can you call Directory.GetFiles() with multiple filters?


I am trying to use the Directory.GetFiles() method to retrieve a list of files of multiple types, such as mp3's and jpg's. I have tried both of the following with no luck:

Directory.GetFiles("C:\\path", "*.mp3|*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
Directory.GetFiles("C:\\path", "*.mp3;*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

Is there a way to do this in one call?

up vote105down voteaccepted
var files = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\path", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
            .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".mp3") || s.EndsWith(".jpg"));

edit: Please read the comments. The improvement that Paul Farry suggests, and the memory/performance issue that Christian.K points out are both very important.

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Man, I have to think in terms of LINQ more often. Nice solution! – Ken Pespisa Sep 23 '09 at 2:29
Just make sure that you understand the implications though: this will return all files in a string array and then filter that by the extensions you specify. That might not be a big issue if "C:\Path" doesn't have lot of files underneath it, but may be a memory/performance issue on "C:\" or something like that. – Christian.K Feb 14 '10 at 12:13
... 2 years later: Nice code, but watch out with this, if you have a file that ends with .JPG it won't make it. Better adds.ToLower().Endswith... – Stormenet May 5 '10 at 9:35
you could just use s.EndsWith(".mp3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) – Paul Farry May 31 '10 at 22:58
Note that with .NET 4.0, you can replace Directory.GetFiles with Directory.EnumerateFiles, , which will avoid the memory issues that @Christian.K mentions. – Jim Mischel Dec 2 '11 at 22:58

How about this:

private static string[] GetFiles(string sourceFolder, string filters, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption)
   return filters.Split('|').SelectMany(filter => System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder, filter, searchOption)).ToArray();

I found it here (in the comments): 

share|improve this answer
I'm guessing this avoids the potential memory pitfalls of the top rated answer? In which case, it should be rated higher! – Dan W Feb 1 at 18:48
It helped me. Thank you! – Maxim Eliseev Feb 6 at 13:31
@DanW The top rated answer surely puts burden on the memory but I think that shouldn't be such a problem. I liked this answer too, but it's actually (much) slower then the accepted answer. Check this SpeedTest  – OttO Feb 13 at 22:37
Thanks. Glad to see it's only about twice as slow - I'll stick with it for the meantime I think. – Dan W Feb 17 at 19:47